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Cherokee Language Tutor


Tsalagi (Cherokee)

Lesson 3: Plants

Study the words and phrases below.

ENGLISH TSALAGI (CHEROKEE) Phonetic Pronunciation
Flower Atsilvsgi Ah-tsee-luh-s-key
Tree Tlukv Tloo-kuh
Redbud Galowedi Gah-lo-way-dee
Plum Quanvyunsdi Qwah-nuh-yoon-s-dee
Mulberries Kuwa Koo-wah
Maple Tlvhwaliga Tluh-hwah-lee-gah
Cedar tree Atsina Ah-tsee-nah
Blackberries Kanugatli Kah-noo-gah-tlee
Bush Udayatlv Oo-dah-yah-tluh
Leaf Ugaloga Oo-gah-lo-gah

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Study The Cherokee Syllabary:

Tsa La Gi

Cherokee Syllabary Lessons

The Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma offers an excellent free online Cherokee Language course:

Cherokee Nation
Online Language Class

We also suggest the following books and audio courses:

Books about Sequoyah:

Visit the Sequoyah Birthplace Museum
in Vonore, Tennessee


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